CPL Preparation Program

PPL(A) + Night Rating + 100 hours PIC + PPL, CPL/ATPL Theoretical 'Online' ground course

175 flying hours


200 flying hours with CPL(A)


The CPL Preparation Programme is a phase 1 package designed for ab-initio pilots with little or no experience and aspire to achieve a Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL). 

Fly EPT Spain has created a cost-effective CPL preparation programme that is arguably the cheapest, most cost effective and fastest route to a CPL(A) in Europe. 

Our programme follows the EASA modular route. However:

For British pilots aspiring to achieve the UK CAA CPL(A): Our PPL, CPL and ATPL modular 'online' theoretical knowledge courses are both EASA and UK CAA approved so upon EASA CPL licence issue, the conversion process EASA to UK only requires a CPL skill test with a UK CAA examiner. After which a UK CPL(A) can be issued on the back of an EASA licence (as explained under third country licence holders here and here).

CPL Preparation Program delivers the: -

  • PPL Theoretical 'Online' ground course (70 hours study) - EASA + UK CAA
  • EASA Private Pilots Licence (PPL)
  • Night VFR rating
  • Structured Hour Building program - minimum 100 hours Pilot-in-Command
  • 175 hours total time
  • ATPL (750 hours study) or CPL (250 hours study) Theoretical 'Online' ground course - EASA + UK CAA

The PPL, CPL and ATPL theoretical knowledge instruction is delivered online through our very modern web-based training (WBT) distance learning software platform, which allows the student to study from home, at their own pace, in their own time, around their own schedule, from anywhere in the world.

Initially, students are enrolled into the PPL Online theory course and will study 70 hours distance learning from home covering all nine (9) PPL subjects, followed by a 5-day brush-up course delivered over ZOOM (so you can remain at home) which is scheduled just prior to sitting the PPL exams.

Students can sit the EASA exams at any Austro Control GmbH test center in Europe

After passing all PPL exams, the practical flight training is undertaken as a full time intensive PPL(A) + Night rating course flying in an impeccably well maintained Tecnam P2002-JF or a Cessna C152 at our primary flight training center in Son Bonet Airport (LESB), Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Students can expect to complete the PPL flight training within a month, immediately followed by a Night flying course and the structured hour building programme. 

Budget for 3-months intensive flight training to include the hour building. You will log a total of 175 flying hours. 

After PPL issue, students will be enrolled into the CPL theoretical 'Online' ground course which essentially involves 250 hours of academic study covering 13 CPL subjects. CPL self-study is concurrent with the time building phase.

Before taking the EASA FCL CPL (A) skills test, you must have: Completed at least 200 hours of flight time of which not less than 100 hours shall be Pilot-in-Command (PIC), of which at least 20 hours must be cross-country, including a cross country flight of at least 300 NM including full stop landings at two (2) aerodromes. Commercial pilot aspirants will also need to accumulate 50 hours PIC cross country time, in order to meet the minimum flight time requirements to commence the modular Multi-Engine Instrument Rating (IR) course.

Hour builders are also free to fly from Lisbon Cascais-Tejo Regional Airport (CAT/LPCS) where we have a satellite base.

Once the 175 hours have been logged, students will then return home and continue studying the remaining CPL online learning modules, before sitting all 13 CPL(A) exams.

For those also wanting a UK CAA CPL, additionally, the UK CAA exams will need to be passed separately.

Upon completion of the CPL Preparation Program, after passing all 13 CPL theoretical examinations, students will have met the minimum flight time and academic requirements to commence the CPL modular flying course.

When all CPL exams have been passed, students can take the CPL modular flying course which usually lasts between 3-4 weeks and prepares the pilot for the CPL Skills Test. This course consists of a minimum of 25 hours dual instruction flying in a PA28R Arrow; a so called 'complex' rating aircraft that has 4-seats, a variable pitch propellor and a retractable undercarriage. 

Once the Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) has been achieved, students who wish to obtain a frozen Airline Transport Licence (ATPL) can continue with the ATPL theoretical online ground course, which will be a shorter course because CPL licence holders will be credited with the 250 hours of CPL theoretical study towards the 750 hours of study required for the ATPL theory course. 

After passing the ATPL exams, the only remaining modular course that needs to be taken is the multi-engine instrument rating which is 45 hours (30 hours simulator + 15 hours flying) after which students will have earned a frozen ATPL(A) and become a fully qualified licenced airline pilot.

Note 1:  PPL as a standalone course is considered 'leisure' in Spain and will incur 21% IVA to be added to the course price. However, when the PPL forms a mandatory part of a professional flight training course the entire package becomes tax free as there is no VAT / IVA imposed on commercial flight training in Spain. 

Note 2: Students may enroll into the ATPL theory course after PPL. Many students, however, choose the shorter 250-hour CPL theory course first, because it allows the student to start the CPL modular flying course much sooner, and this opens up the opportunity to receive remuneration for flying. For example, some CPL holders choose to work as a flight instructor, in order to build up their experience and flight time, while continuing their ATPL studies, as the first 1000 hours flying single engine piston aircraft will count towards the 1500 hours which is required to ‘unfreeze’ the ATPL. The remaining 500 hours must be on a multi-crew, multi-engine aircraft.

Note 3: Providing students pass the Assessment of Competence, all our graduates who choose the FI route will be offered a guaranteed paid flight instructor job, either at our Palma de Mallorca or Lisbon-Cascais base.


If you would like to enrol into the CPL Preparation Programme, or you have some further questions, contact us. 

Entry criteria

To enroll, you will need to meet the following entry criteria:

Minimum Age

  • 16 years old to commence flight training.
  • 17 for PPL application
  • 18 for CPL licence issue


  • ICAO English Language Proficiency (ELP) minimum level 4+ prior to start of training.


  • A high school graduate certificate OR a minimum of 5 GCSEs (or international high school equivalent) at grade C/4 or above, including Mathematics, Science and English Language

International Student (Pilot) Visa

  • Student pilots from countries that are eligible for Spanish visa-free entry of up to 90 days, can take a PPL(A), Night rating and the hour building course without the need to obtain a student visa (as long as the duration of the course is shorter than 90 days). International student pilots coming from countries which do not qualify for Spain visa-free entry need to apply for a Schengen Student Visa.


  • Be able to pass and obtain a Class 1 Medical certificate.